@article{oai:tsuru.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000633, author = {市原, 学}, issue = {20}, journal = {都留文科大学大学院紀要, 都留文科大学大学院紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to investigate the fit effect of trait regulatory focus and helpseeking style on academic competence and interest. When individuals with dominant trait promotion (prevention) focus enact help-seeking eagerly (vigilantly), they have higher competence and interest than one does it vigilantly (eagerly). Additionally, individuals with fi t experience have higher competence and interest than ones high or low in both trait promotion and prevention focus. On the other hand, non-fi t individuals have lower competence and interest than ones high or low in both foci.}, pages = {73--84}, title = {学業的援助要請における制御適合}, year = {2016} }