@article{oai:tsuru.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000350, author = {森江, 晃三 and 櫻井, 八洲彦}, issue = {81}, journal = {都留文科大学研究紀要, 都留文科大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Flora of Pteridophyta of Tsuru city (Yamanashi prefecture) is reported in this paper. In 1998 and 1999, “The Flora of Tsuru city” were published by Morie. But these were dealed with only Spermatophyte. After Morie’s survey, Sakurai had made intensively investigated. The 92 species (including subspecies, varieties and hybrids) through 18 families of Pteridophyte are recorded in this paper. The communities of two species of the endangered ones of Yamanashi prefecture are found and recorded.}, pages = {197--202}, title = {都留市植物相調査III (シダ編)}, year = {2015} }